Make a Difference on World Water Day

At VOESH, we believe every person and community should have access to clean, safe water for drinking, bathing, hygiene, and recreation. March 22nd is World Water Day, which is acknowledged yearly to celebrate water and call attention to the 771 million people currently living without clean water. In honor of World Water Day, we want to highlight some incredible work from our non-profit partner, charity: water.

Every month, we donate a portion of our sales to charity: water, one of the leading non-profit organizations devoted to providing clean, safe drinking water to people around the world. At the end of 2021, they announced that 15 million people in 29 countries now have access to safe water through their water accessibility efforts.

How Does charity: water Work?

charity: water partners with local experts to find the most sustainable solutions to provide long-lasting water access to communities. They use an individualized approach for each community to implement a water access point that provides clean, safe drinking water. Some solutions include wells, pipe systems, BioSand filters, or systems that harvest rainwater. 

For each water point funded and created, a local Water Committee is organized, and sanitation training is provided. This way, these locals can ensure water continues to flow for their community!

charity: water’s Emphasis on Transparency

Transparency is an important value for charity: water, so you can find each of their completed projects highlighted on this world map. Each point on the map details the systems put into place and how many people the project impacted. Additionally, charity: water ensures that every dollar donated goes directly to field work and water projects.

Take a look at this video from charity: water to learn more about how their process impacts people around the world.

Clean Water and Its Life-Changing Benefits

Access to clean water saves lives and provides countless opportunities for those in need, and the VOESH team is incredibly proud to partner with charity: water. In fact, funding clean water provides even more benefits than you might think. In addition to having safe water to drink and bathe in, access to clean water also impacts education, income, and health for families: 

“The majority [of people without water access] live in isolated rural areas and spend hours every day walking to collect water for their family. Not only does walking for water keep children out of school or take up time that parents could be using to earn money, but the water often carries diseases that can make everyone sick.”

charity: water

How You Can Celebrate World Water Day

On World Water Day 2022, there are many ways you can celebrate. Consider donating to charity: water to help fund upcoming water point projects to help make a difference. Then, take some time to acknowledge how lucky many of us are to have daily access to clean water, since sometimes we can take that for granted. If you’re looking to have an adventure, find a way to celebrate this day with water! Go for a swim, visit your nearest beach, or enjoy a refreshing shower with one of our Vitamin C Water Filters!

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