Two young girls on the plains carrying water jugs on their heads
Two young girls on the plains carrying water jugs on their heads

Clean Beauty
with a purpose

Here at VOESH, we’re all about feeling good and doing good. We’re proud to partner with like-minded organizations to give back to our global community and help those in need.

We believe every person deserves to have their basic needs met. When you shop with VOESH, you’re helping thousands of people in developing countries gain access to clean water and food. 

Man with back turned to camera pouring out food for child with group of children behind him Binchae Foundation purple logo

Binchae Foundation

The Binchae Foundation is a Korea and NY-based non-profit organization dedicated to feeding hungry children in developing countries, including Kenya, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Haiti, and Nepal. We give 2% of our monthly e-comm sales to support and feed as many as 2,000 people daily for a better quality of life.

Smiling young child against dark background with water pouring above and splashing onto his face Charity Water Supporter yellow and black logo


Charity: Water is a non-profit organization with a mission to bring clean and safe water to people all around the world. We have proudly funded BioSand filters for 5 communities in Cambodia, and we won’t stop there. Our ongoing support for Charity: Water is a testament to our commitment to ensuring that everyone has access to clean and hygienic drinking and shower water.

Our goal is to create a healthier future for everybody, everywhere!

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The journey of your donation to Charity:Water.

The journey of your donation to Charity:Water.

Together, we can make a difference.


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