Mani in a Box Variety Pack (5 Sets)
More manis, please. Coming right up! This Mani in a Box Waterless 3-Step Variety Pack includes our Lavender Relieve, Vitamin Recharge, and Green Tea Detox kits to level up your at-home manicure routine. Our products soothe and hydrate dry skin, leaving those hard-working hands looking good as new in 15 minutes or less. These easy, skinvigorating manicure kits make self-care so simple, you'll look forward to giving yourself me-time on the regular.
- 2 sets of Mani in A Box Deluxe Lavender Relieve
- 2 sets of Mani in A Box Deluxe Vitamin Recharge
- 1 set of Mani in A Box Deluxe Green Tea Detox
The Perfect Mani For:
- DIY At-Home Manicure
- After A Long Day
- Girls Night In
- Staycation
product details
More manis, please. Coming right up! This Mani in a Box Waterless 3-Step Variety Pack includes our Lavender Relieve, Vitamin Recharge, and Green Tea Detox kits to level up your at-home manicure routine. Our products soothe and hydrate dry skin, leaving those hard-working hands looking good as new in 15 minutes or less. These easy, skinvigorating manicure kits make self-care so simple, you'll look forward to giving yourself me-time on the regular.
- 2 sets of Mani in A Box Deluxe Lavender Relieve
- 2 sets of Mani in A Box Deluxe Vitamin Recharge
- 1 set of Mani in A Box Deluxe Green Tea Detox
The Perfect Mani For:
- DIY At-Home Manicure
- After A Long Day
- Girls Night In
- Staycation

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