Our Guide to Self-Love

We recently launched our #TakeAMoment campaign to bring awareness to the importance of self-love because it is at the heart of what we do. 

Practicing self-love means treating yourself with the same love and care that you give to others. Achieving self-love is not something that will happen overnight, especially if you have to work to undo bad habits, but with patience and time, it can lead to a life filled with happiness and confidence. 

Many of us experience self-doubt or feelings of unworthiness due to societal pressures or what we were taught when we were younger. We are often our worst critics. Whether it is criticizing our appearance or feeling inadequate at work, these bad thoughts creep up, even if we try to avoid them. Self-love is not just about instant gratification–it’s about choosing yourself day in and day out and being aware of your needs. 

There is no better time than now to start practicing self-love every day. We’ll tell you how … 

Celebrate Wins, Big or Small 

Be proud of yourself for all that you have achieved. Whether you finished your chores early or you got a promotion at work, let yourself enjoy those special moments. Celebrating yourself also gives you motivation to move forward toward your next goal. 

Embrace Your Differences 

Ever hear the saying “comparison is the thief of joy?” Well, it’s true. In case you needed a reminder, there is no one else in the world like you. Your differences are what make you special. When we accept ourselves for everything we are, “flaws” and all, it is then that we are able to live in peace. 

Recite Positive Affirmations 

It’s time to retrain your brain. Focus on all of your positive qualities instead of letting negativity take over. The more you recite positive affirmations, the more you will believe them. So, go ahead and tell yourself that you look amazing in that dress or that you are enough, just as you are. 

Create a Solid Support System 

Surround yourself with people who love you. Everyone needs positive reinforcement from time to time. When you can’t be your own cheerleader, it always helps to have people you can lean on in tough times. 

Forgive Yourself 

We’re all human and we all make mistakes sometimes. It is important to learn from them, find closure, and move on. Dwelling on mistakes can lead to negative thoughts and behaviors. Give yourself a chance to grow and change. We can’t always get things right the first time.   

Practice Gratitude 

Be thankful, even for the little things, like a warm cup of coffee on a cold winter morning. Pay attention to the good in every day and try not to harp on the bad. This will help to change your mindset and bring on feelings of happiness and can even boost relationships with others. Express your gratitude, write it down, or thank someone. 

Say No

Time is valuable. It is important to learn how to set boundaries without feeling guilty. If you are feeling burnt out, it is perfectly acceptable to say no and give back to yourself. Saying no doesn’t make you a bad or rude person. Everyone needs time to relax, run errands, and do what makes them happy.

Be Kind 

Doing good deeds and treating others with love and respect, in turn, makes us feel happy and fulfilled. Compliment a stranger, hold the door for someone, donate to a charity, or volunteer at a soup kitchen. One small act of kindness can make all the difference. 

Keep Learning

No matter how old you are, you can still learn new techniques about how to take care of your physical, mental, and emotional state. Continue to challenge yourself to pursue different avenues until you find what works best for you.Try reading a book, joining a support group, or exploring a new app that provides helpful self-love tips. Remember, always keep an open mind.

#TakeAMoment for Yourself 

Self-love in action is defined as self-care. We all need those me-time moments to take a break from our busy routines. Whether you prefer giving yourself an at-home manicure with our Mani Love Bundle, or treating your skin with Elbows, Knees, & Toes Bundle or taking a long, warm shower with our shower care dream team Shower & Empower Duo, we have just what you need to treat yourself from head to toe. 

Self-love is all about pushing beyond self-doubt and allowing yourself to see how unique and amazing you truly are. Remember, there is no one right way to practice self-love. Take things slow and enjoy your journey. 

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